"Make This House A Home" Furnishings Campaign

As we look forward to Grace Chapel’s new building, we remember there is a  difference between a building and a home.  We want this new space to truly be a HOME for our community.  We want everyone to feel comfortable and welcome when they enter.  We want there to be a sense of belonging and shared ownership in which everyone has their own part. This, of course, is mostly achieved through the people of Grace Chapel who belong to one another and embrace those we meet into our family.  However, it is also important that our space be equipped as well.  It is much easier to offer a sincere welcome when we can pull up a chair and say, 

“Let’s sit and talk. 

Tell me your story, and I will tell you mine.  

We have coffee and toys for the kids.  

This is our home and now it is yours too.” 

We are asking for your help to MAKE THIS HOUSE A HOME.  

Through this program, your donations will fill Grace Chapel’s walls with the practical tools 

to run a church and do God’s work in this community.  

Gifts to the “Make This House A Home” program, can be made by individuals, groups, or families.
Your gifts are and expression of your faith in what God is doing through Grace Chapel. 

You can give in a few different ways: 

1)  Donate towards an item or items from the catalog (worship chairs, refrigerators, classroom TVs etc.)

2)  Donate a flat amount to be used as needed, paid in full right now. 

3)  Pledge an amount to be paid over time, completed by December 31, 2024.  

Tributes and Memorials

If you would like to make your donation in memory or in honor of someone important in your life, we will create an opportunity to display these donations and send an acknowledgment to those you honor if you would like.  

How do I make a Gift?

You can use a paper form that you can pick up at the church, or you can (preferably) use the these online options.  

Online Giving Options

Donate to Specific Catalog Items:

Use this form if you would like to make donations toward specific items.

You can select the number of each item and the form will calculate you total cost to be paid when you sumbit the completed form.


Catalog Donations

Donate A Flat Amount:

Use this form if you would like to make donations to make a flat donate to be used as needed.  These donations are to be paid immediatley.  


One Time Flat Donation

Pledge a Donation to be Paid Over Time:

These donations are pledged to be paid by December 31, 2024.


Make A Pledge